I hear from young lawyers at least twice a month, interested in practicing in sports and entertainment law. I generally talk with them, unless they call wanting me to come up with a topic for their law review article. Heck, coming up with the topic is part of their growth experience, not mine.
Here is a synopsis:
- Do not worry about becoming a sports and entertainment lawyer. Worry about becoming a good lawyer. Entertainment and sports lawyers come from all backgrounds, from former public defenders to estate lawyers.
- Join relevant organizations. I am outside G.C. to the National Sports Marketing Network. It is most worthwhile. Look also at the ABA’s Forum on the Entertainment & Sports Industries.
- Ask yourself: why? If it is for the glamour and excitement, think again. While it is fun and exciting, you are not Jerry McGuire.
- Read, read , read. Go to ESPN.com and SI.com every day. What are the legal problems highlighted? How would you handle them?
- Find a way for us to work together. Great way to learn.